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Category: JazzArts Charlotte

The Music of Cuba, First-Hand

JazzArts Charlotte CEO Lonnie Davis participated in an immersive cultural visit to Cuba

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2022 Annual Holiday Silent Auction

The JAZZ ROOM Holiday Edition Annual Auction is ready! Whether you are attending the Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Swing in person or not, you are able to participate in this once-a-year fundraiser.

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The Power of Music. The Power of We.

A song can evoke, inspire, express. It has the power to renew, change our heart rate, even heal. Songs are used to teach, whether as part of history, a tool to memorize a concept, or in developing life skills like confidence, perseverance and teamwork. It can both energize or calm. A song can move us to tears and it can move us to act. Music has the power to unite us. Music has power.

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Welcoming New Board Members to the Jazz Community

Recently, three new board members have joined us who will add a whole new dimension to our jazz community. Welcome Bill Abt, Betsy Grant-Kaperonis, and Michael Masci to the family.

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Introduction to Joe Riggi

JazzArts Charlotte looks forward to taking our digital platforms to the next level with Joe’s expertise.

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