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Your search for "the set" returned 234 results

Ways to Give

When you donate to JazzArts Charlotte, you are ensuring that jazz is experienced and enjoyed for generations to come. Your donation helps students build necessary life-skills to succeed, connects the community through cultural experiences, and provides musicians with jobs.

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The Power of Music. The Power of We.

A song can evoke, inspire, express. It has the power to renew, change our heart rate, even heal. Songs are used to teach, whether as part of history, a tool to memorize a concept, or in developing life skills like confidence, perseverance and teamwork. It can both energize or calm. A song can move us to tears and it can move us to act. Music has the power to unite us. Music has power.
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JazzArts Charlotte presents biggest performances yet for JAZZ ROOM Season 17

Charlotte, NC – September 26, 2022 – JazzArts Charlotte (JazzArts) launches its 17th season of jazz in the Queen City this October with its highly acclaimed monthly series – The JAZZ ROOM @ The Stage Door Theater. This new season features an incredible lineup, the biggest production of the JAZZ ROOM in its history, and a recognition of the 100th month of JAZZ ROOM performance for the organization.
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